Electrospinning of natural polymers for the production of nanofibres for wound healing applications 2021-03-19
Wound healing is a highly regulated process composed of four overlapping phases: (1) coagulation/haemostasis, (2) inflammation, (3) proliferation and (4) remodelling. Comorbidities such as advanced age, diabetes and obesity can impair natural tissue repair, rendering the wound in a pathological state of inflammation. This results in significant discomfort for patients and considerable financial costs for healthcare systems. Due to the complex nature of wound healing, current treatments are ineffective at dealing with delayed healing. With flexible properties that can be tailored, nanomaterials have emerged as alternative therapeutics for many biomedical applications. A nanofibrous network can be made via electrospinning polymers using a high electric field to create a responsive meshwork that can be used as a medical dressing. A nanofibrous device has properties that can overcome the limitations of traditional dressings, such as: (1) adaptability to wound contour; (2) controlled drug d