Coaxial electrospinning of PVA/Nigella seed oil nanofibers: Processing and morphological characterization

Views: 622 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-03-18 Origin: Site

One of the most promising nanostructures, core/shell structured co-axially electrospun nanofibers have been widely used in many applications such as self-healing, wound dressing/healing, drug and gene delivery and tissue engineering. Core/shell structured nanofibers have generally been produced using the coaxial electrospinning method. In this study, the coaxial electrospinning using the double injectors technique was applied for investigating the processing parameters for the PVA/Nigella seed oil solutions affecting the core/shell nanofiber morphology. Results showed that the processing parameters, such as the flow rate, voltage difference and solution concentration had significant effects on the core/shell nanofiber morphology. Nanofiber morphologies were characterized using SEM-Scanning Electron Microscopy techniques.

 Coaxial electrospinning of PVA/Nigella seed oil nanofibers: Processing and morphological characterization


Published: 2021

Journal :Mater Sci Eng B-Adv

Impact Factor:4.610

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