Electrospinning tissue engineering and wound dressing scaffolds from polymer-titanium dioxide nanocomposites

Views: 594 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-03-18 Origin: Site

Electrospinning is widely used to fabricate nanoscale fibers from natural and synthetic polymers. Electrospun fibers have potential application in tissue engineering as well as in the design of catalysts, batteries, electronic sensors, packages, filtration membranes, medical implants, wound dressings, and medical fabrics, and drug delivery systems. Fibers offer a porous structure with a high surface area to volume ratio, which is a highly desired property in various applications. Integrating other materials such as metals nanoparticles or ceramics in electrospun fibers is emerging as a route to new nanoscale composites materials with enhanced functional properties. Incorporating nanoparticles on or within the nanofibrous scaffold impart functional properties with implication for catalysis, optoelectronics, and biomedicine. Indeed, these electrospun polymer-nanoparticles composites are a new frontier in biomedicine, where their relevance to tissue engineering, wound dressing, drug delivery is emerging. Here, we summarise advances in electrospun tissue engineering and wound dressing platforms developed from polymer-titanium dioxide nanocomposites.

Electrospinning tissue engineering and wound dressing scaffolds from polymer-titanium dioxide nanocomposites


Journal:Chemical Engineering Journal

Impact Factor:10.652

Paper link:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1385894718320710


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